Why is the Vietnam War an example of a proxy war? The Vietnam War can be considered a "proxy"war in the Cold War. Although the Soviet Union and the United States did not directly go to war, they each supported a different side in the war. The Viet Cong were Vietnamese rebels in ...
“You don’t need as many technical skills to find one person who might be willing, in a moment of weakness, to open up an attachment that contains malicious content.” Only about 3% of the malware they run into tries to exploit a technical flaw. The other 97% is trying to trick a ...
All of theIran-backed proxy groupsoperating in the region have said their actions are in support of the Palestinian people, and none of them acknowledge any orchestration or coordination with Iran, which denies any role in the attacks. CBS News "There is, as Iran calls it, a resistance fron...
What were the proxy wars of the Cold War?Proxy Wars:During the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the nations did not fight each other directly, but instead fought each other in third countries in what are sometimes called "proxy wars."...
socket connection from your Java program to your database. This takes time and is rather expensive. It would be much nicer if we opened justoneDataSource and re-used it, instead of opening and closing tons of them. One way of doing this could be by saving the DataSource in a private ...
We must quantify where we want to be. What does a fair and just world look like, numbers-wise? Assuming the current number of police killings of Blacks is disproportionately high, thenwhat number would be disproportionately low? Andwhat number would be tragic, but understandable?
VPNs can seem quite complicated at first, but you’ll find them actually very easy to use. Can You Explain VPN in Easily Understood Terms? Explaining how VPNs work to protect privacy by using only technically correct words usually gets me a lot of blank stares, so I’ve found a way to...
People who believe in the efficient market hypothesis think of a portfolio’s return as the product of the market’s return multiplied by the portfolio’s beta. This is all it takes to explain results, since there are no mispricings to take advantage of in an efficient market (and so no...
Proxy War That Made the Two Koreas What They Are Today; on the Eve of the 60th Anniversary of the Korean Armistice Darren Devine Spoke to a Welsh Veteran about the Sacrifices Made during a Seemingly-Forgotten Conflict That Claimed 1.2 Million Lives...
The intention here is to obtain a controlling interest in the target by holding at least 50% or more of the voting stock. Proxy fight The second option to acquire the target company is by proxy vote. In this case, the acquiring company convinces shareholders in the target company to vote ...