A good essay must have this permanent quality about it; it must draw its curtain round us, but it must be a curtain that shuts us in not out. — Virginia Woolf 6 Good prose should be transparent, like a window pane. — George Orwell 52 I like a crisp document and a messy meeting....
Edward Tian, who built GPTZero, an AI detection tool that helps uncover whether a high school essay was written by AI, shows examples to large language models, so it can write using different voices. Of course, Tian is a machine learning engineer with deep technical skills, but this appro...
that “denies rational knowledge and general ideas,”“suppresses all definition,” and “rejects contradiction and error.” He is consequently about as philosophically far from Plato as a philosopher can get. It may not be surprising to know that the two of them became enemies later in life....
feminist critics are not trained in either "foreign" languages or comparative inquiry (which I distinguish from the inclusion of difference). Rather, it is my intention in this essay to look at comparatism through the lens of (global) feminism in order to ask why comparative literature, which...
One of the smaller, mom secluded, and less well known of the many Toronto ravines, it is in danger of becoming a literary shrine, having now figwed in two Atwood novels (The Edible lVoman IS the other), in Hugh Hood's essay "The Governor's Bridge is Closed," and in Hood's ...
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