Preventive maintenance (PM) is the practice of scheduling maintenance work to prevent failures, plan labor and resources, and maximize uptime and asset life. What is Preventive Maintenance? Preventive maintenance (PM) is a strategy in which maintenance work is performed ahead of time to prevent ass...
Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM), commonly referred to as scheduled or planned maintenance, is a maintenance strategy adopted across various industries to enhance equipment reliability and operational efficiency. This proactive method involves systematically scheduling maintenance tasks to prevent potential e...
What is the Difference between Preventive Maintenance and Corrective Maintenance? Corrective or reactive maintenance is when you wait for a problem to occur before addressing it. Often a small problem will go unnoticed until it becomes a larger issue. This is called the ‘run to failure method.’...
Preventive maintenance software offers a number of key benefits. It helps manage all maintenance tasks (and the records of those tasks) so maintenance operations will run smoothly. It can also save on maintenance costs because the system can plan and prioritize maintenance tasks based on operations,...
Preventive maintenance is not a blanket term, and despite the similarities, it is very different from reactive and predictive maintenance. Reactive maintenance focuses on tasks after a machine failure, while predictive and preventive maintenance focus on tasks before machine failure. ...
Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) is a structured approach to maintenance work that prioritizes the cost-effective prevention of system failure. It uses a logical and structured process for organizations to identify critical assets and develop an effective and efficient maintenance plan for them tha...
As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That could be described as the mantra of preventive maintenance (PM), a maintenance method involving regularly scheduled maintenance of machinery and other assets in order to keep them running smoothly. If the day-to-...
What is CBM? Condition-based maintenance (CBM) is a preventive maintenance strategy that relies on the monitoring of assets or equipment to determine when maintenance work is necessary. CBM involves the use of sensors and other monitoring equipment to collect data on the performance of equipment....
Breakdown maintenance: Sometimes equipment failure doesn’t demand urgent attention. This type of reactive maintenance is any work performed on malfunctioning equipment, whether or not it constitutes anemergency repair. You might also plan for breakdown maintenance ahead of time based on data related to...
A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is a popular type of health insurance plan known for being affordable and providing broad access to healthcare. In an HMO, you join a healthcare network that includes a specific group of doctors, hospitals, and providers that you can use for your medica...