and perform multi-dimensional analysis on stored data. Tablestore is suitable for scenarios such as billing, instant messaging (IM), IoT, Internet of Vehicles (IoV), risk control, and intelligent recommendation. Tablestore provides a deeply optimized all-in-one storage solution for IoT applications....
No, Presto is not designed to replace a traditional database. It is an analytical engine for executing complex queries on large data sets. How does Presto integrate with a data lakehouse? Presto can query data residing in a lakehouse, delivering fast, interactive analytics by leveraging the sort...
Data Engineering is a terminology used for collecting and validating quality data that can be used by Data Scientists. Read about everything on Data Engineering now.
What is Tablestore?,Tablestore:Tablestore is a cost-effective table-based serverless storage service that can be used to store large volumes of structured data. Tablestore allows you to query and retrieve online data within millise...
AAE Errors 1178 and 1179 are warnings that one of your HDX cards is overheating With an AAE Error -1178, this is a warning that the HDX card fan is not spinning. The advice is to ensure your HDX card(s) have been connected to the internal power of your computer or chassis,...
Why reprex? Getting unstuck is hard. Your first step here is usually to create a reprex, or reproducible example. The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it…
Presto’s power and value proposition is defined by the fact that it can query data wherever it is stored, without the need to move the data into a separate, structured system like a relational database or data warehouse. Finally, query execution runs in parallel over a scalable “pure memo...
New connectors: Actian, Anaplan, Starburst PrestoNew connection metadata format (preview)We've updated the way that connection metadata is stored in the .pbix file format in October. This update is part of a long-term journey to make .pbix files more programmatically accessible and editable. ...
what is the equivalent of substitute function of excel to presto sql. I have code here that i need to convert to presto sql. below is the code and sample data. excel code =CONCAT(SUBSTITUTE(B2,LEFT(B2,11),MID(B2,5,3)&"-"&MID(B2,8,2)&"10-")) string to be converted ...
Answer a couple of questions, put in your email, and presto, you’ve got an insurance quote. Users immediately get what they’re looking for: a no-hassle, online insurance experience. Lemonade has streamlined the onboarding experience, asking only the questions required to provide an accurate ...