In Japan, the minimum wage is determined by each prefecture and revised annually by the Minimum Wage Council. Depending on the prefecture,the minimum wage is ¥952 to ¥1,163. The Minimum Wage Council, composed of representatives from the public, labor, and employers (with RENGO representing...
Japan's rainy season, or tsuyu, is a period of heavy rainfall in early summer that affects most of the country. Learn about the rainy season in Tokyo, Kyoto, and each region of Japan, and tips on how to make the rainy season enjoyable.
Japan’s economy is largely cash-based, and many shops and restaurants don’t accept credit cards. While traveling in Japan, it’s a good idea to make sure you have plenty of bills and coins for your daily allowance. You may end up carrying more money than you would at home, and it...
Get expert advice on where to stay and what to do in Japan. Find the best hotels, top attractions, must try food and shopping destinations in Japan.
Get expert advice on where to stay and what to do in Japan. Find the best hotels, top attractions, must try food and shopping destinations in Japan.
Without running stream beds in Japan’s mountain river valleys, cultivating wasabi plants on a commercial level is very challenging, thus making it a pricey plant to grow. Nagano Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, and Shimane Prefecture are known for their local production of wasabi in Japan. However...
Commencement of Joint Investment Business in Japan with Japan Post Bank Jan. 22, 2025Releases LOGIBASE Ibaraki-Saito Completed in Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture Jan. 16, 2025TSE Changes of Directors and Executive Officers Jan. 15, 2025TSE ...
Lately I've been into less wine-like sakes and more into sakes like this one from Tochigi prefecture. "Karakuchi" means dry and it delivers: this is a bone dry, salty sake that stays in the background. I particularly like it with delicate sashimi, as it accents rather than overpowers ...
Most of Japan’s main public infrastructure was built during the rapid economic growth of the 1960s and 1970s. The sewage pipe in Yashiro is about 40 years old. Most read A medical plane carrying a child patient and 5 others crashes in Philadelphia, setting homes ablaze Seven de...
I began listening to in college when I studied Japanese there, and loved getting the extra help and extra vocabulary from the lessons. Now, I’m living in Fukushima prefecture in Japan teaching English! I used the JapanesePod101 lessons to help prepare for my interview, us...