contralateral carotid disease in the PACI and TACI groups, but not in the LACI orPOCIgroups, suggesting that ipsilateral carotid stenosis is an important causative (rather than coincidental factor) in total and partial anterior circulation infarct but not in lacunar or posterior circulation infarct. ...
Introduction and objective: In the pre-thrombolytic era, patients (pts) with a major intraventricular conduction defect (IVCD) – right bundle branch block (RBBB), left bundle branch block (LBBB), left posterior hemiblock (LPH), advanced (QRS > 105 msec) left anterior hemiblock (LAH) or ...
Response from David B. Reuben, MD Professor and Archstone Foundation Endowed Chair, Department of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles; Chief, Division of Geriatrics, UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica, California Making a diagnosis of vascular dementia is complicated for several reasons. Fi...
Radiation therapy (RT) is a commonly used treatment for thoracic cancers. However, the risk of coronary events increase by 4‐16% per Gy of heart dose. Our prior studies show that localized heart RT leads to radiation‐induced heart disease (RIHD) and in...
possible pressure/flow dependency. Elevated serum glutamate is associated with early neurologic deterioration after acute ischemic stroke (18). Ohkuraet al. (19), using the same cerebral infarction model, demonstrated the attenuation of chronic ischemia of the infarct penumbra using pH-stat management ...
Silent or non-clinical infarct-like lesions in the posterior circulation territory in migraine: brain hypoperfusion or hyperperfusion? Brain 2006;129:E39. Competing interests: None declared Competing interests: No competing interests 08 February 2006 Vinod K Gupta Physician Dubai Police Medical ...
Findings of a CT scan of the head without contrast, and intracranial CT angiogram are both normal. Brain MRI without contrast reveals an acute infarct: the left corona radiata, the posterior limb of the internal capsule, and the posterior left putamen are involved. ...
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a hematological malignancy characterized by an increase in aberrant plasma cells in the bone marrow leading to rising monoclonal protein in serum and urine. With the introduction of novel therapies with manageable side effects, t
and collegues in a study that showed DWI abnormalities in patients with the same diagnosis. These abnormalities were either diffuse or predominantly in the distribution of the posterior watershed territories [74]. Earlier studies that used MRI imaging to detect traumatic microbleeding failed to ...
Patients with isolated motor or sensory deficits, or sensorimotor strokes or ataxic hemiparesis were classified in the lacunar infarct (LACI) group and those with brainstem or cerebellar signs in the posterior circulation infarct (POCI) group. Severe ipsilateral carotid stenosis was found in 16 (16...