For example, a positive theoretical statement could be "an increase in the price of gasoline will lead to a decrease in the quantity demanded of gasoline." This statement is a positive theoretical statement because it describes an economic phenomenon (the relationship between price and quantity ...
As an active participant in economic globalization, China has achieved rapid economic growth through positive interactions with the rest of the world and explored a unique path towards modernization, expanding the options for other developing countries to achieve modernization. China’s rapid economic g...
Positive economics aims to explain how the economy works, and thus how it will respond to changes. To illustrate, an example of a positive economic statement is as follows: The price of milk has risen from $3 a gallon to $5 a gallon in the past five years. This is a positive ...
A healthy expansion of exports may not always be sufficient condition for rapid and sustained growth, but a strong positive association between the two is clearly undeniable. Trade expansion contributes to economic growth in many ways. Among them are the benefits of specialization; the favorable ...
What is meant by a "positive" and "normative" statement? Give an example of each that relates to your daily life.Economic and Arguments:Economics is a social science which means there is bound to be a large amount of disagreement among economists. ...
D.Beingexposedtowaterisbadforthesoldiers. ( )3.Whathavearchaeologistsrecentlydiscovered? A.Aplacewithoverahundredsoldiers. B.Awrittendescriptionofthesoldiers?truecolors. C.Aspecialliquidinthetombtopreservethesoldiers?colors. D.AnewtombforEmperorQin. ( )4.WhichstatementwouldRongBoprobablyagreewith? A.The...
Whilecriticsmightarguethatavirtualexperiencewillnevermatchreality,thereareseveral waysVRtourismcouldmakeapositivecontribution.Firstlyitcouldhelpprotectsensitivelocationsfrom overtourism.Inrecentyearsfamous sitessuchasMayaBayinThailand,havehadto limitthenumberofvisitorsbecauseoftheirnegativeimpact.Theseplacesarenowproducingth...
Eventually, however, tea became -as it still is - one of the most popular drinks in the country. Question 9-13 Look at the following statements (Question 9-13) and the list of countries below. Match each statement with the correct country, A-G. Write the correct letter, A-G, in ...
6. A) It is the secret to business success. B) It is the creation of something new. C) It is a magic tool to bring big rewards. D) It is an essential part of business culture. 7. A) Its hardworking employees. B) Its flexible promotion strategy. ...
Here's an example of a positive economic statement: "Government-provided healthcare increases public expenditures." This statement is fact-based and has no value judgment attached to it. Its validity can be proven (or disproven) by studying healthcare spending where governments provide healthcare....