“flyover state”是美国英语中的一个词条,指那些位于东西海岸(发达)城市之间的中部州,类似于“那鸟不拉屎的地儿,我们每次坐飞机都是直接飞过去停都不停的”,可见满满的鄙夷、蔑视感。当然,有时候也是中性表达,仅仅指一个地方比较偏僻(社会发达程度、知名度方面,而非地理位置上),好多美国人只...
reports. Here, the Xbox is utterly dominant, winning the relative battle in 40 of 50 states. Playstation takes the edge in some of the most populous states in the country, though, including California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and Florida, plus a good chunk of New England ...
What is China The People's Republic of China, commonly known as China, is located in east Asia.And borders 14 nations or any other county in the world.It is the most populous state in the world with a 1.3 billion citizens, while the world's population is 6.8 billion.That means other ...
WhatisChina ThePeople'sRepublicofChina,commonlyknownas China,islocatedineastAsia.Andborders14nationsorany othercountyintheworld.Itisthemostpopulousstateinthe worldwitha1.3billioncitizens,whiletheworld'spopulationis 6.8billion.Thatmeansotherevery5peopleintheworld,oneis Chinese.Chinaismadeof56distinctiveethnicgroup...
What is China(“十分钟看懂中国” 中英文清晰对照.doc,What is China The Peoples Republic of China, commonly known as China, is located in east Asia. And borders 14 nations or any other county in the world. It is the most populous state in the world with a
Mr Biden's home state is a battleground in the 2024 election, particularly given the substantial amount of Electoral College votes it assigns. The populous state - part of the Rust Belt - is home to large cities including Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. ...
One grocery store worker we spoke with, who we'll call Laura, is just one of many on the front lines of what has become a constant and well-publicized retail theft battle in the nation's most populous state. We agreed to conceal Laura's true identity to protect her job. She said fel...
Meanwhile, Japan’sHonshu Islandranks second, home to approximately 103 million people. Honshu is the largest and most populous island in Japan, housing iconic cities like Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo—the country’s capital, the world’slargest urban area, and one of the three biggest financial ce...
England is the most populous(adj.人口多的) and wealthiest part of the country, so people sometimes refer to the whole country as England,a name that people of Scotland, Wales and northern Ireland do not like very much. England is highly urbanized,with about 80% of the population living in...
Is It Propaganda Or Not? The Enemy of My Enemy Sibel Edmonds Explains The Erdogan Takedown Eliot Higgins: I have no idea who these guys are! Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say PropOrNot subreddit (serious posts only please, folks!) ...