What Is Populism?的创作者· ··· 扬-维尔纳·米勒作者 作者简介· ··· 扬-维尔纳·米勒(Jan-Werner Müller,1970- )是普林斯顿大学政治系教授,曾以访问学者的身份任教于纽约大学雷马克研究所和哈佛大学欧洲研究中心,并在牛津大学和剑桥大学分别主讲“卡莱尔讲座”和“丹纳讲座”,长期为《卫报》《纽约书评》等...
英文原版,Jan-Werner Müller:《What Is Populism?》,University of Pennsylvania Press,2016。 O网页链接 @本次列车开往雨山路站 这周读了普林斯顿政治学教授Jan-Werner Müller写的一本关于民粹主义的小册子(What Is Populism),感觉还是值得一读的。尝试翻译了结尾部分,附上原文与大家分享。 ...
—— 引自章节:第三章 如何对待民粹主义者 我们可以这样说,民粹主义真正的问题在于,拒绝多元化实际上导致了拒绝部分公民自由与平等的地位。这些公民也许并非从法定意义上被排斥,但他们的个人价值观、他们对美好生活的观念,甚至他们的物质利益,这些事物在公共空间中的合法性都会受到质疑,甚至被视为微不足道。 (查看原...
What is populism? 在通过本书得到一个对民粹主义的轮廓之前,我应当了解民粹主义的发展过程。因为本书提到过的来自历史的例子,需要对这些历史事件有一定的了解。为了补上这块基石,特地在维基百科上搜索“民粹主义”的词条。 民粹主义的字根源自拉丁语:populus,是人民或群众的意思,通常被用来与精英主义、贵族制、共治...
Both "populism" and "populist" have long been considered ill-defined terms, and therefore are regularly misapplied in both scholarly and popular discourses.1 This definitional difficulty is exacerbated by the Babelian confusion of voices on populism, where the term's meaning differs within and ...
What is populism?的阅读笔记:第二章 第二章:民粹主义者或者掌权中的民粹主义者做些什么 前言: 1. 传统观点:民粹政党主要是抗议型政党,但是抗议就无法执政,因为一个人不能抗议自己。民粹无法形成真正的政治(民粹政党只能作为在野党,去挑执政党的刺,然而自己并不能形成政治观点)。
Populism is a political movement that promotes the idea that its leaders alone represent “the people” in their struggle against the “elite establishment.” Populist movements and political parties are often led by charismatic, dominant figures who present themselves as “the voice of the people....
378: What is populism, is it a good thing, and what about Javier Milei? (Podcast Episode) Details Full Cast and Crew Release Dates Official Sites Company Credits Filming & Production Technical Specs Explore More Share this page: ...
But what exactly is populism? Should everyone who criticizes Wall Street or Washington be called a populist? What precisely is the difference between right-wing and left-wing populism? Does populism bring government closer to the people or is it a threat to democracy? Who are "the people" ...
What is populism?, by Jan-Werner Müllerdoi:10.1080/13510347.2017.1322582OliverFundaçãoStuenkelFundaçãoInformaworldDemocratization