Polyamory is also not the same as an "open" relationship, which involves a committed couple agreeing that one or both partners are permitted to have sex with other people, without necessarily sharing information with the other partners. However, polyamorous couples may also have open relationships....
Many people view romantic relationships as a commitment between two people. But this is not the only way to structure a relationship. Polyamorous relationships, where people can have more than one sexual or romantic partner, can be just as valid. They can also be complex. Understanding the dif...
Open Relationship(开放式关系)强调的是关系双方毫无保留地向对方开放自己的信息和想法。从性的角度,他们不认同一夫一妻制和恋爱关系中的排他性,也不要求伴侣性方面的绝对忠贞。两个人都可以在保持彼此关系的前提下和其他人发生性关系。Polyamory (多角恋),多角恋是指一段固定、长期的情感关系中有超过两个人...
No, polyamory is not a sexuality. It is a type of relationship style or structure. Polyamory involves having romantic relationships with multiple partners with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved. It’s about how people structure their relationships rather than whom they are attracted to....
Solo polyamory is a form of non-monogamy in which individuals can have multiple romantic or sexual relationships, but maintain an independent lifestyle.
Open Relationship(开放式关系)强调的是关系双方毫无保留地向对方开放自己的信息和想法。从性的角度,他们不认同一夫一妻制和恋爱关系中的排他性,也不要求伴侣性方面的绝对忠贞。两个人都可以在保持彼此关系的前提下和其他人发生性关系。 Polyamory (多角恋),多角恋是指一段固定、长期的情感关系中有超过两个人,开...
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Polyamory educator Leanne Yau, who lives in the U.K. with a nesting partner and also has a boyfriend and a more casual partner, says that while her polycule is open, everyone’s expected to keep commitments regarding how often they see their partners. “My boyfriend and I agreed to meet...
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I'm not expecting anything from our relationship beyond the present moment, but I'm also not closed to the idea of a deeper connection developing. I want to see what happens when neither one of us is pushing or angling for anything. I will never lie to you. I will never break my ...