The police haven’t yet managed to ID the suspect. 警方还未能确认嫌疑人的身份。 You must carry ID at all times. 你必须随身携带身份证。 status:身份;地位 除了ID可以表示身份外,英语里的status也可以用来表示人或物的相对社会地位,相对身份,尤其指政治和商业的情形,状态,状况等。 例句 The job brings ...
A constable is a law enforcement officer with specific duties and jurisdiction, while "police" refers to the broader organization of individuals charged with maintaining public order and safety.
Arkansas Police Codes - Canva - 26 Jim Weaver Arkansas Police Codes - Canva - 26 Arkansas Police Codes - Canva - 27 Jim Weaver Arkansas Police Codes - Canva - 27 Arkansas Police Codes - Canva - 28 Jim Weaver Arkansas Police Codes - Canva - 28 Arkansas Police Codes - Canva - 29 Jim W...
Using a professional, certified monitoring center is crucial because unlike a direct call to 911, operators are trained to make sure the proper channels are alerted before emergency services are dispatched. Not all emergency situations need an ambulance or the police dispatched. ...
At a large enough scale, validation becomes difficult to police. Computers are far better at maintaining uniformity than people. Automated process controls should act as executable documentation that ensure all cloud storage is secured and stays secure. ...
your insurance carrier will contact you promptly once the other driver has filed a claim. Your insurer will take some time to review any police records and get in touch with others involved in the accident to determine fault for the incident. You can consult an attorney to ensure you follow...
This form is encrypted and protected by attorney-client confidentiality. Name * Phone * Email * City where case is located * Tell us what happened Please attach any citations, booking sheets, police reports or other relevant documents. 42.3K Subscribers | 1.3K Videos Featured on S...
Innovation What Is Morse Code? How It Works and Still Lives On All About You! Do You Know What These Police Codes Mean? Engineering How Radio Controlled Toys Work Electronics How the Radio Spectrum Works Electronics How Ham Radio Works Sports The Real Story Behind We Are Marshall Life...
V)32、He refused ___ my advice.正确选项 accept(V)33、He speaks German, but his native ___ is French.正确选项1.tongue(V)34、He was held in the police station because he was___ to an offence.正确选项1.related(V)35、How to ___ the problem is the key factor in the project...
houses because they know in the back of their mind how much of a wimp they must have been to choose a career because they thought it would make them a hero, but the fact of the matter is that the community doesn't like the police. And as soon as they figure it out, its too ...