We’ll talk about what is a qualified loan and what may not qualify as one. Getting the best education possible is something you’ve been considering for a while. Yet, you need financial aid to pay for the tuition. A student loan can help, of course. But you must be prepared to ...
The amount of subsidized student loans a student can receive is capped at the student’s financial need and the loan limits, whichever is lower. The loan limits for subsidized student loans are generally lower than the loan limits for unsubsidized student loans. Borrowers of subsidized student lo...
If you have multiple loans, you may qualify for student loan refinancing.Direct Consolidation Loansare offered by the government to consolidate all federal student loans into one loan at no cost. The result is a single payment for all of your student debt at a single interest rate. ...
What is an ARM loan? What is lender credit? What is a conventional loan? What is a student loan guarantor? What is loan-to-value based on? What is debt financing? What is a payday loan? What are zero interest loans? What is unsecured debt?
The main advantage of an unsecured loan is that you don’t have to pledge collateral. But if you default on the loan, you could still face serious consequences, like major damage to your credit. Plus, a lender could take you to court to garnish your wages. ...
Knowing today's average student loan interest rates is important if you want to find the best options for financing your education. MAREK ZELINA/Getty Images While student loans can be a useful tool for funding your education after you've exhausted other options, like federal grants and ...
A Direct Subsidized Loan is a type of federal student loan that comes with advantages that may be available to undergraduates with demonstrated financial need.
Deferment often lasts until the student is no longer enrolled in a program. But if the student has a Direct PLUS loan, they may qualify for an additional six months of deferment after being enrolled. Economic hardship or unemployment For individuals currently facing economic hardship or unemployment...
Depending on the type of student loan, you may still have to pay down the interest that accrues during the deferment period.11 Learn More PLUS Loan A PLUS loan is offered to graduate & professional students and the parents of dependent undergraduates. While eligibility isn’t based on ...
PLUS loans require that the parent applicant pass a credit check (or obtain a co-signer or endorser) and reapply for funds each academic year. The parent is also legally responsible for repaying the loan. In addition to the parents of undergraduate students, PLUS loans are available to gradua...