Nowadays, most of us have multiple streaming services, so we can watch all of our favorite shows, movies, and live events without the frustrations of cable TV. But if you had to choose just one streaming service to use, which one would it be?
Have a look at this topic, there is a temporary workaround and more details: Plexxor Hi all, Thanks for reporting the issue! It's a regression from upstream. If you...
To give you an example of how I did my migration of Plex back in the day, I more or less made a copy of the Plex configuration DB directories, and then followed their guide to migrate to another server. Move an Install to Another System It is possible to move a Plex Media Server ...
Is it possible to import an iocage jail with bastille? I honestly don't know. My tinkering with BastilleBSD has so far been rather limited, as currently I don't have a spare server handy to deploy that stack to and flesh out my infrastructure with it, and I'm trying to avoid standi...
When I retire (hopefully a few months from now), the plan is: My iPad will replace my laptop. My laptop will replace my desktop. My desktop (M2 Mac Mini) will replace my Plex server (it won't need a monitor). I'm likely going to get an 11" iPP M4 with MKB in the next ...
Usually, scammers usephishing attacks and stolen databasesto promote fake VPNs.MySafeVPN is a good example. The scammers claimed the "VPN" was associated with big names like Plex and Boxee to gain the trust of the people they emailed. ...
Home media server software The key is finding software that is compatible with every device in your home.To accomplish this, there are a variety of options. Starting out, focus on Plex. This is probably the best choice for a beginner. It's easy and versatile which makes it ideal for sett...
A level 1, stealthy scan identifies that uses phpBB version 2: $ ./whatweb [200] PasswordField[password], HTTPServer[Apache/2.2.15], PoweredBy[phpBB], Apache[2.2.15], IP[], phpBB[...
(including guide data), andPlex DVRis a solid alternative with a $120 lifetime service option. Both are easier to set up and use, have slicker software, and make it easier to skip through commercials. If you’re not up for building a media server,TabloorAirTVwill give you an over-...
A level 1, stealthy scan identifies that uses phpBB version 2: $ ./whatweb [200] PasswordField[password], HTTPServer[Apache/2.2.15], PoweredBy[phpBB], Apache[2.2.15], IP[], phpBB[...