Paroxysmal: This is when AFib comes on and then goes away. The period of AFib usually lasts less than 24 hours, but can last up to a week. Episodes can be occasional or frequent, and people may or may not have symptoms during an episode. Treatment depends on how long episodes last and...
Birth control, also known as contraception, is a term for preventing unplanned pregnancy. Although most people who menstruate are sexually active, not all of them are ready for pregnancy and parenthood. About 95% of women who are married or living with a partner are sexually active. Almost ...
Panic Disorder is a mental health condition where you have repeated, disruptive panic attacks. These panic attacks can cause emotional and physical distress and get in the way of your daily life. Treatment like therapy and medications can help. Read more
The pill is a popular contraceptive option, but it’s not for everyone. Some other options require you to see a healthcare provider, such as implants, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and shots. There are others that you can apply and remove yourself, including vaginal rings, patches, and caps...
Written byShivam Patel, PharmD, BSPS, RPh| Posted November 11, 2019 |Updated December 09, 2019 One important cost-controlling policy of insurance plans isstep therapy, a process that exists to prevent patients from taking high-cost medications unnecessarily. Step therapy can hinder how health ca...
Killian Meara;Shawn Bjorndal, PharmD, RP;Jesse McCullough, PharmD March 7th 2025 Podcast Join Shawn Bjorndal, PharmD, RPh, and Jesse McCullough, PharmD, for the first episode of Dispensing Leadership, a new podcast from Drug Topics® and RPhAlly.Reduction...
Vaccination among health care workers is vital. Although the flu may seem like a minor inconvenience to otherwise healthy adults, viral shedding can begin up to 1 day before symptom onset and continue for 5 or more days. During this time, the virus can be passed to patients, including ...
Emily C. Hayes is a PharmD candidate at the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy in Storrs. REFERENCES Cough and cold medicine over-the-counter. Nationwide Children’s Hospital website.
Written by Shivam Patel, PharmD, BSPS, RPh | Posted October 24, 2019 | Updated January 16, 2024 It's a common experience: You go to the pharmacy with a prescription for a brand name drug, but you fill the prescription with a generic drug instead to save money. This is becaus...
Acute Medicine Programme A clinician-led initiative of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI), the Irish Association of Directors of Nursing. HealthNet connect Telehealth 2.11 Conduct Medication Management University Medical Center Health System Lubbock, TX Jason Mills, PharmD, RPh Assistant...