Often, mathematical or scientific abbreviations don’t use periods. For example, kilograms is usually abbreviated as kg with no period and the element sodium is abbreviated as Na without a period. Many abbreviations and acronyms that only use capital letters don’t use periods. For example, Penns...
Suddenly, however,I got an idea." A period is the end of a sentence or a thought," I said. " A comma, on the other hand, is just a brief pause(暂停) before the sentence continues on." When I finished saying this, my heart suddenly felt lighter.I smiled and thought of my mom ...
Example: I would like to interview her about what she was thinking when she got a breast reduction. 我想采访她,想了解她在切掉乳腺时是怎么想的。 Example: I heard what you’ve told Amy. 我听到你讲给Amy的话了。 Example: He is thinking ...
Answer and Explanation: In literature and the humanities, essays often take the form of an opinion about some aspect of a particular work, genre, or time period. An example... Learn more about this topic: Persuasive Writing | Definition, Importance & Examples ...
For example, a company could have a fiscal year of July 1 through the following June 30. Its quarterly accounting periods would be July 1 through September 30, etc. It is also common for U.S. retailers to have accounting periods that end on a Saturday. The annual accounting period for ...
Period:Every body whose movement is periodic has a time that is known as a period. The period is the time it takes for the body to make a complete turn, that is, to return to the point where it initially started. In the movement of a pendulum around its equilibrium position, it has...
Then I will deliberate on the causes and cures of my failure to the entrance examination. I will prepare for the exam for one more year because becoming apostgraduatestudent is my dream. I will spare no effort to realize this dream. That’s all, thank you!
A. The birds are facing serious dangers. B. Different kinds of birds live together. C. Some birds are attracted to the poles. 20. What is Christina’s suggestion concerning the birds? A. Drive them away. B. Feed them regularly. C. Do research on them. ...
How a Lock-Up Period Works for Hedge Funds The lock-up period for hedge funds corresponds with the underlying investments of each fund. For example, a long/short fund invested mostly in liquid stocks may have a one-month lock-up period. However, because event-driven or hedge funds often ...
What Is a Blocked Period? A blocked period refers to the length of time in which an investor’s securities are prevented from being accessed. A blocked period may be put in place if an investor has used a security as collateral, as it prevents the investor from using the same security as...