While doing-so and after taking the truck/bike out for a shake-down drive to make sure everything was holding fast and secure, I discovered the 12-year-old 6” Sea Sucker suction-cup mount that is one of two I use to hold the rear wheel of the tandem in place on the roof of the...
We arrived at Charles Canoe & Kayak at 500 Broad Canal Way in Kendall Square, where I exchanged pleasant banter and smiles with a chiseled employee teaching us about how to navigate the River safely (“If a duck boat quacks at you, you quack back!”). We received our boards and made o...
My name is Jamaica Michaels and I moved to Maui on a whim 16 years ago. Lots of people do that, it seems. That’s why they peddle those t-shirts on Front Street in Lahaina that say “Sell everything–I’m never coming home!” Someone, maybe you, manages to take a vacation here ...