If, in addition, this mutation, which either affects a ribosomal or transfer RNA gene or is coding and nonsynonymous, is not observed in some small convenience sample declared as ''controls'', then a case can be made for disease-association or pathogenicity. The seeming pathogenic role is ...
A systematic review by Valerio et al [12] published in 2017 showed that FT is a safe treatment with encouraging results concerning cancer control and genitourinary function. However, the vast majority of the studies included in this review were early-stage studies (Idea, Development, Exploration,...
While the factor GSn is very informative for evaluating the preservation state of a bronze alloy, it cannot be considered conclusive for the presence or absence of a patina layer. 2. Archaeological background The analyzed assemblage in this study consists of 26 pieces of jewelry, found in the ...
Heart failure after myocardial infarction is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Existing medical and interventional therapies can only reduce the loss of cardiomyocytes during myocardial infarction but are unable to replenish the per
LSASS is a Windows component shown in error messages, often due to a virus infection such as Sasser. Learn about LSASS, LSASS.EXE and how to stay safe.
What does the speaker say about achieving goals?The DataManagementFileInternalMemory example application opened a file and wrote some text into it. It later accessed this file using the Context.openFileOuput method(). As a parameter to the method c...
Fluoridation at fifty: what have we learned?Rubin, Mark ARawson, P DPratt, Megan E
One study using the first wave of PD GWAS risk loci generated the cumulative genetic risk score (GRS) to predict a disease progression (Pihlstrøm et al., 2016). Subsequently, it has been shown that the cumulative burden of common risk loci, albeit small, is strongly associated with the ...
A further problem is that while some progress has been made towards investigating the mechanisms of action (MoA) of MSCs, we still fail to understand how they work. To make progress, it is important to ensure that prior to clinical translation, the beneficial effects of MSCs in animal ...