What is SFA in cardiology? INTRODUCTION. Chronic total occlusion (CTO) of thesuperficial femoral artery(SFA) is a commonly encountered target lesion in patients with symptomatic lower extremity arterial disease.1)Endovascular treatment of SFA CTO is often challenging because of the lesion length and ...
The question: “What is/was it during your career in cardiology that kept you motivated, that generated the fire in the belly to do your best each day and love being a cardiologist?” I think our younger colleagues,as they face the uphill seasons of their careers in the world of medicine...
“The session is a glimpse into what the future is going to bring in terms of getting early data in patients who are either asymptomatic or patients that don't actually have severe aortic stenosis and the effect of intervention in these patients,” said Granada. The idea of preventive interve...
In terms of its antiplatelet activity, fish oil was shown to lower platelet aggregation when given in combination with clopidogrel and aspirin therapy during PCI, thus fish oil appears to enhance platelet response to clopidogrel. Fish oil has a role in heart failure as well. Fish oil was shown...
Be part of a community dedicated to advancing the role of women in interventional cardiology. Listen to Dr. Sarita Rao talking about WIN APSIC session. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from and connect with leading female professionals in cardiology. ...
The terms unstable angina and non–Q wave myocardial infarction are often used synonymously, but a clinician should differentiate them on the basis of objective evidence of myocardial necrosis; a measurable rise in serum cardiac biomarker levels indicates non–Q wave myocardial infarction. Among the ...
reach the market, andapixaban(Eliquis, Pfizer/Bristol-Myers Squibb) is awaiting approval, Camm told a packed session on the last day of theAmerican College of Cardiology (ACC) 2012 Scientific Sessions: "It is a difficult task to put together all the data in a field that is so highly ...
In terms of interventional cardiology, academic institutions generally have a higher annual PCI volume compared with private practice, but these jobs are very competitive to land and not too many positions are even available. 2. Private practice Private practice positions can vary widely depending on...
It is crucial to intervene in severely diseased coronary arteries to prevent adverse cardiac outcomes. Severely calcified arteries present challenges for intervention, often requiring preparation before PCI. IVL offers a novel approach to preparing these arteries, making them more amenable to PCI [5]....
It should be acknowledged that not all deaths within a cardiology department will be cardiac in etiology. Improved triaging of patients can identify those who may be better managed elsewhere. Of note, non-cardiovascular death is responsible for up to 30% of deaths in patients hospitalized in ...