WHAT IS A “FEMALE SLAVE”? CONTEXT AND COMPARISON ---— 36 —1.1 THE AMAH AND THE SHIFḤAH: BREEDER, DRUDGE, CONCUBINE OR WIFE?The terms אמהamah and שפחהshifḥah, found throughout the biblical text (as well as extra-biblical and post-biblical Hebrew texts), are...
This is different in different-sex families, because there the relationship between child and father (even when he is not the biological father) is mostly created simply by the legal presumption of paternity (if the couple is married) or by recognition/acknowledgment of the child by the father...
is his father (a name on a birth certificate is not enough, absent a valid marriage or formal acknowledgment of paternity or court-certified finding of it). But since he started with this story, he has felt it necessary to stick to it, it is probably too late to switch now. If ...
The court may vacate a paternity acknowledgement if you prove fraud, duress, or material mistake of fact. However, the difficulty in proving fraud, duress, or material mistake of fact to vacate the acknowledgment is that the laws and court rulings of each state vary so be sure to consult w...
VAPVoluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity VAPHeavy Photographic Squadron(US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1956 to 1971) VAPVirtual Approval Process VAPVoluntary Abandoned Property(legal definition) VAPVISA Access Point VAPVisual Art in Practice(various organizations) ...