An epidemic may turn into a pandemic if it starts spreading even faster and in more places. An epidemic can still affect lots of people and cause many deaths. The difference is that it's affecting people only in a certain area, not globally. A pandemic is an epidemic that's happening ar...
The terms endemic, outbreak, epidemic, and pandemic indicate how common a condition is at a point in time relative to how common it was at an earlier time. The terms endemic, outbreak, epidemic, and pandemic are often used to describe infections, although conditions such as hypertension, ...
First, let’s look at the branch of medicine that sets the rules for what defines a pandemic vs endemic vs epidemic. This responsibility falls on epidemiologists—the scientists you’ve probably heard from the mostduring COVID-19. That’s because epidemiology is the study of the causes, risk...
Disease experts use the term ‘pandemic’ when a new infection spreads to multiple countries and continents at the same time, affecting many people. That’s different from another term, ‘epidemic’, which describes an infection outbreak that’s larger than usual, but stays confined to a single...
What is a pandemic? Pandemic: Event in which a disease spreads across several countries and affects a large number of people. What is the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic? An outbreak is called an epidemic when there is a sudden increase in cases. As COVID-19 began spreading ...
"Epidemic" and "pandemic" are two words that describe the spread of disease. "Epidemic" is used to describe a disease that has grown out of control and is activelyspreading. "Pandemic" is used to describe a disease that affects a whole country or the entire world.1 ...
A pandemic does not necessarily refer to the severity of a disease, but has something to do with concern over its geographic spread. Another definition put forth in the book "Epidemiology 101" says that a pandemic is "an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing inter...
a plan in place to mitigate the risk of asupply chain breakdowncan make the difference between simply staying in business during a pandemic and actually staying profitable during an outbreak of communicable disease. One of the first things an organization should do when writing a plan is to ...
COVID-19employmenthousingeconomic inequalityopioid epidemiclawPersons experiencing addiction may be at very high risk of infectious disease like COVID-19 due to high rates of smoking, recent imprisonment, conditions like HSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
A pandemic on the other hand refers to a worldwide epidemic, which could have started off as outbreak, escalated to the level of an epidemic and eventually spread to a number of countries across continents. The 2009 flu pandemic is a good example. Between the period of April 2009 and Augus...