The main reason I liked XII was because of it's lack of over the top drama, yes it does have drama but not on the scale of a playable anime version of The Hills. The conflict in XII is not interrupted by "OH NO U DIDN'T"s or teen romance, it keeps a steady...
After Shadowmeld, the best Night Elf racial is Quickness. A passive ability, it adds a flat 1% dodge, which makes it really excellent for tanks in endgame because that’s a free 1% to the Dodge stat without itemization. Nature Resistance, like all the racial resistances, adds 10 to the ...
a mainstay fromtheFalloutfranchisethat allows players to "tag" skills their character is especially proficient in and buy skill ranks. From there, players get to choose a perk and a pack of starting equipment based on their background. The lack of proper classes and races makes for...
I don’t know. Obviously, I don’t have access to all of the metrics that Blizzard itself does. But I’m very curious to see what the MAU stats look like with the next investor call, even though that stat is already an obfuscation. It feels like this comes from a ...
Warrior, Rogue, Hunter, Mage, Priest were all extremely viable and Paladins and Shamans with a one-hander and shield + utility/dps spec were also extremely viable. Fast forward to today, even without BoA gear (Which is a whole different issue) 10-19 (Before it got broken up even more,...