A BTI is a written tariff classification of your goods, that assures that your goods have the correct commodity code. Depending on potential eventualities such as laboratory analysis costs, there may be a fee involved with attaining a BTI. You can email HMRC directly for further advice or ...
Time To Pay is a service that allows businesses or individuals to agree an alternative payment plan with HMRC if they are having difficulty paying a tax bill.
In short, the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) allows a deduction of taxes at the source from payments in the construction sector. The purpose of the scheme is for HMRC to raise more revenue. The CIS has nothing to do with payments to staff. They're covered by the Pay As You Earn (...
Discover what a UTR number is in the UK, its importance for tax purposes, and how to obtain one for your business.
UK Redomiciliations – What is the Risk of a Successful HMRC Residence Challenge?Judith Harger
Should We Take Care over What We Post? ; HMRC Is Using a Massive Data-Mining Tool to Catch Tax Evaders, and That Includes Snooping on Social Media Accounts. So Should We Censor Our Online Selves? by KATIE WRIGHTPOSTING a photo of an artfully-arranged plate at a poshrestaurant is one ...