The combination of aspirin and a P2Y12receptor inhibitor is the cornerstone of treatment in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and in those undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). At the present time, three differe... L De Luca,P Capranzano,G Patti,... - 《American He...
Comparison of VerifyNow-p2y12 test and flow cytometry for monitoring individual platelet response to clopidogrel. What is the cut-off value for identifying patients who are low responders to clopidogrel therapy? Thromb J 2009; 7: 4.Godino C, Mendolicchio L, Figini F, Latib A, Sharp AS, ...
Does i-T744C P2Y12 Polymorphism Modulate Clopidogrel Response among Moroccan Acute Coronary Syndromes Patients? For patient 3, a total of 8 [micro]l of the long template PCR product (Supplementary Table 1) were double digested 1 hour at 37[degrees]C with 1X digestion buffer Tango (Fermentas...
The authors' hypothesis is based on the observation that P2Y12 antagonists inhibit the platelet production of thromboxane A2 (TxA2) (which would render the use of aspirin superfluous), and on the consideration that aspirin may cause adverse effects. It is my opinion that there is no evidence ...
What is the optimal time for DAPT initiation: P2Y12 inhibitor administration in the ambulance, emergency room or cathlab?M. Möckel
Although the authors applied the gold standard PFT assay in a large population, this technology is not user-friendly and is limited only to experienced research laboratories. Indeed, using a more broadly applicable test, such as a point-of-care assay, would have been of greater practical value...