This is an archived list of updates that have been announced on the OBD Codes home page.Dec 21/17 - P065A, P065B, P065C, P065D Dec 14/17 - P2430, P2431, P2432, P2433, P2434, P2435, P2436, P2437, P2438, P2439, P0655, P0656 Dec 5/17 - P0654 Nov 23/17 - P3405,...
无意间发现的创业机会:微波炉 微波炉最早的名称是“爆米花和热团加热器”,它的出现源自一个武器研发项目,微波炉的发明者是美国自学成才的工程师珀西·勒巴朗·斯宾塞,二战爆发后,他在一家公司从事雷达技术开发。 某一天他在实验室做实验,一块巧克力棒粘在了短裤上,斯宾塞注意到,当他运行磁控管时,裤子上...
For dentists, the taxonomy code is an identifier that corresponds most closely to the area of specialty. If you cannot locate an appropriate taxonomy code, you may provide a written description of your specialty in the space provided on the electronic or paper application, and you will be ass...