A. A nucleotide contains a sugar and a base; a nucleoside contains a sugar, a base, and a phosphate. B. A nucleoside contains a sugar and a base; a nucleotide contains a sugar, a base, and a phosphate. C. A nucleotide contains a sugar and a phosphate; a nucleoside contains a sugar...
Dboth (a) and (b) Submit Which of the following is a nucleoside View Solution What is the difference between a nucleotide and nucleoside ? Give two examples of each with their structure. View Solution View Solution View Solution View Solution ...
1. Definition of Nucleoside: - A nucleoside is a structural subunit of nucleic acids, which consists of two main components: a pentose sugar and a nitrogenous base. - The pentose sugar can be either ribose (in RNA) or deoxyribose (in DNA). 2. Components of Nucleoside: - Pentose Sugar:...
1. Adenine (A) - Adenine (6-Adminopurine), C5H5N5, is a purine type of nucleobase, containing two rings of alternating carbon and nitrogen atoms. Adenine (A) always pairs with Thymine (T) to form an A-T pair. 2. Cytosine (C) - Cytosine (2-Oxo-4-adminopyrimidine), C4H5N3O,...
A nucleoside is formed when a nitrogenous base reacts with the C-atom-1 of deoxyribose sugar. The N-glycosidic bond holds them together. It is made up of nucleotides that have been phosphorylated. It is a nucleotide component It is acidic in nature. It is slightly basic in nature. It ac...
A Nucleoside consists of a sugar and a base, while a Nucleotide includes a sugar, a base, and one or more phosphate groups. Both are vital in genetic material, but Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA and RNA.
How big is a single nucleotide? What are the monomers of DNA? What is the structural difference between the two pentose sugars that comprise DNA & RNA nucleotides? What is the difference between a nucleotide and a nucleoside? What is the role of nucleotides in DNA? What are the macromolecu...
A nucleoside analog is a chemical compound which has a non canonical pyrimidine or purine base bonded covalently to either ribose or deoxyribose. The... Learn more about this topic: Antiretroviral Drugs: How HIV Medications Work from Chapter 15/ Lesson 12 ...
What Is INSDC (International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration)? - INSDC is a long-standing foundational initiative that operates between DDBJ, EMBL-EBI and NCBI. INSDC covers the spectrum of data raw reads, through alignments and assemblies to functional annotation, enriched with contextual ...
A nucleoside by definition has two distinct parts: a cyclic, nitrogen-rich amine called a nitrogenous base, and a five-carbon sugar molecule. The sugar molecule is either ribose or deoxyribose. When a phosphate group becomes hydrogen-bonded to a nucleoside, this accounts for the entire difference...