What is achondroplasia? What is a nucleoid? What are immunomodulators? What are megakaryocytes? What is transmissivity in hydrogeology? What is a fomite? What is glucogenic? What is earthshine? What is gnathostomiasis? What are phytohormones?
What is cheilosis? What is a nucleoid? What is the levatores costarum? What are the intertransversarii? What is mammalogy? What is a coprophage ? What is micropaleontology? What is an osteon? What is autonomic dysregulation? What is afterload?
The nucleoid, which means nucleus-like, isan irregularly shaped area containing the genetic material of the prokaryotic cell. It is different from the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell in a way that the genetic material is not enclosed in a membrane to separate it from the cytoplasm. Is a nucleus?
Nucleoids are thin, transparent areas of prokaryotic cells that contain DNA. Some DNA is contained in other areas of the cell as well, depending on the organism, but the nucleoid is the primary center for DNA transcription and replication. Prokaryotes do not have a membrane-bound, defined nucl...
For any atomic or ionic species, the oxidation number is a representation that helps us to understand how many electrons are showing outwards or inwards tendencies. During oxidation, the number increases and during reduction-oxidation number decreases. ...
A prokaryotic cell is primitive in organisation. It has an undefined nuclear region called nucleoid (nuclear membrane is absent) and membrane bound cell organelles are also absent. Show More | ShareSave Class 9BIOLOGYCELL-THE FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF LIFE Topper's Solved these Questions CELL-THE FUNDA...
Instead, some prokaryotes such as bacteria have a region within the cell where the genetic material is freely suspended. This region is called the nucleoid. They all are single-celled microorganisms. Examples include archaea, bacteria, and cyanobacteria. The cell size ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 µ...
What contains Nucleoid? The nucleoid containsthe genomic DNA, and molecules of RNA and proteins. The main proteins of the nucleoid are: RNA polymerase, topoisomerases and the histone-like proteins: HU, H-NS (H1), H, HLP1, IHF and FIS. ... DNA supercoiling is generated by the activity...
A plasmid is usually a circular (sometime linear), double strandad DNA, that can replicate itself autonomously. These are found in the cytoplasm of the bacterial cell, plasmids normally remain separated from the chromosome, but sometimes may integrate in
3.DNA or RNA:It is the genetic material of the cell. The majority of prokaryotic DNA is found in the nucleoid and consists of a single large loop known as a circular chromosome. 4.Ribosomes:Single membrane structures that synthesize proteins. ...