A minimum or four servings a day, and ideally six servings a day are recommended for good health. Whole grains help keep blood pressure in check, keep healthy bowels, and lower risk of cancer. What is a serving? one slice of whole grain bread, or one cup of cereal, or half a cup ...
The germ is a small nubbin on the grain that is often packed with nutrition, since it feeds the grain as it develops. The endosperm makes up the bulk of the volume of the grain. When the bran layers are left on rice after threshing, the result is brown rice, which is considered a ...
What is it? We call it something like the proximal tibial epiphysis (PTE for short, here). An epiphysis is an end of a bone that fuses up with the shaft during growth, around the time of skeletal maturity; ultimately ending longitudinal (length-wise) growth of that bone. Mammals almost ...