Arrears of rent received or unrealised rent received subsequently in respect of let out property, if not charged to tax in earlier previous year, is taxable in the year of receipt after deducting30% of such amountfor repair, etc., irrespective of the assessee is the owner of the property o...
What is a key historical strategy that should no longer be part of a labor relations plan? What is the basic argument for income inequality? What is the concept of notional depreciation? What is the role of growth in the unequal distribution of income?
What was the average salary in 1950? (a) What is the utilization rate of this service system? (b) What is the average downtime for a machine that is broken? What is notional value? What is a royalty rate? What does cost of living mean?Explore...
Cumulation classes areused in payroll processing. In simple terms they can be likened to buckets which amounts are added to. Each cumulation class corresponds to a specific technical wage type. The technical wage type is always a value of 100 more than the cumulation class. How do I create ...
Labor costrefers to the cost of paying employees in an undertaking, which includes salary, wages, and commission. Expensesrefer to the cost of services provided to an undertaking and include the notional cost of ownedassets(e.g., rent for a building, telephone expenses,depreciationof the owned...
How to Start a Sole Proprietorship How to Reduce Your Business Tax Liability 10 Tax Solutions for Small Businesses What Are Payroll Liabilities? In partnership with,presents the b. newsletter: Building Better Businesses Insights on business strategy and culture, right to your inbox. ...
denominated in US dollars. The Y-axis is log scaled, which is the right way to present prices but makes the peak-to-trough look less exciting than a linear scale. I’ve tracked the price level from a notional date of 31 December 2020 to show what could have happened if you bought in...
Much of the ILO attention in that report was focused on the notion of a Maximum wage, at the CEO’s end of the wage spectrum, whose wage points straddled three main wage-elements (base salary, bonus, shares). In addition to managing CEO: Shop floor wage ratios generally below three ...
What I am going to give is not a legal answer. It is more a practical one.You have incurred almost half the amount to be recovered from the builder as lawyer's fees and charges. So now your cumulative loss is about One lakh and its notional.interest. The original amount was relatively...
From the explanation it should be clearly understood that the annual value does not mean the rent derived or rental value of the house but the notional rent at which the house can reasonably be let out. A property can be let out at a rent which is lower than its reasonable rent but its...