The use of the CA 125 serum assay as a single diagnostic tool is restricted by the fact that the antigen CA 125 is produced by normal epithelia (of peritoneum, endometrium and benign ovarian cysts) and not only by the ovarian cancer cell....
But there are no symptoms of bleeding/pain etc. Also recently I have had all kinds of tests, like a CA125, Pap smear, etc., which say that the report is normal. But the doctor said due to my bulky uterus I need to have it removed, but I am very scared of it. I do not want...
患者女,30 岁。平素月经规律,现停经60天,近1周来,下腹疼痛,阴道少量流血,尿妊娠试验(+),给予保胎治疗。今晨起体温 39℃,下腹痛加剧。检查:阴道少量暗红色积血,宫口闭,子宫如孕6周大小、有触痛,两侧附件增厚、有触痛,白细胞计数12x10°/L,中性粒细胞94%。此时的处理应为 ...
During diapause, embryonic metabolism is decreased to cease development and protect the embryo from desiccation as a normal environmental variation. As a result, embryonic development can vary from 17 days to three years. Nothobranchius furzeri, a strain with increasing ubiquity, has been reported to...
Their confirmatory experiments also showed that MUC1 mRNA is a target gene of miR-455-3p. Changes in miRNA Gene Expression during Wound Repair in Differentiated Normal Human Bronchial Epithelium Pancreatic cancer exhibits a number of tumor-specific antigens, such as carcinoembryonic antigen, mesothelin...
Skimming is one of the major types of selective reading.It differs from normal reading,___ not all of the material is read. A. in that B. in which C. at that D. by which 查看完整题目与答案 故障管理的步骤包括发现故障,判断故障,隔离故障 ,( )故障,记录故障的检修过程及其结果 ...
A.CA125B.hCGC.AFPD.睾酮类固醇E.E2能产生上述标志物的肿瘤为卵巢浆液性恶性肿瘤 查看完整题目与答案 最可能的诊断为 A. 先天性前列腺囊肿 B. 前列腺癌包膜外侵犯 C. 良性前列腺增生 D. 膀胱癌 E. 尿道结石 查看完整题目与答案 白碳黑在片剂中作为 A. 崩解剂 B. 稀释剂 C. ...