The ASO (Anti-Streptolysin O) titre test is a blood test used to detect the presence of antibodies against the streptococcus bacteria in the body. Know more about its procedure, prepration & result.
Measurement of SARS-CoV-2 antibody titer or neutralizing antibody should not be measured because there is poor correlation and cellular immunity is likely playing a key role in protection against severe disease associated with newer variants. Search Strategy and Selection Criteria We searched PubMed ...
Eight and 33.3% had decreased C3 and C4 respectively but all had normal CH50 level. Twenty-eight percent had elevated ANA. None of them had clinical of urticarial vasculitis. No patient had positive antiHCV and only 1 patient is a hepatitis B carrier. No patient had antithyroglobulin, anti...
The role of antibodies in protection against HIV-1 can be studied in a natural situation that is the mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) context. Indeed, at least at the end of pregnancy, maternal antibodies of the IgG class are passively transferred to the fetus protecting the neonate from...
Hyperexpression of classical HLA class I (HLA-I) molecules in insulin-containing islets has become a widely accepted hallmark of type 1 diabetes pathology. In comparison, relatively little is known about the expression, function and role of non-classical subtypes of HLA-I. This review focuses on...
Furthermore, SE cycles can be induced with ecdysone in the flagellates of intermolt Cryptocercus nymphs as well as in adults, both of which have normal, wood-and fluid-filled guts [45]. The relevant question, then, is why does a rising titer of the molting hormone ecdysone trigger a ...
The amount of gas that can be injected and withdrawn during a normal cycle of the storage is called working gas (or top gas); the remaining gas in the reservoir is referred to as base gas (or cushion gas) Energies 2018, 11, 1245; doi:10.3390/en11051245 ...