NIMBUS-7 NIMBY NIMBYS NIMC NIMCAMP NIMCC NIMCCRCC NIMCIS NIMCO NIMCP NIMCR NIMCRUT NIMCU NIMD NIMDTA NIME NIMEA NIMEC ▼ Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today! Advertisement. Bad banner? Pleaselet us knowRemove Ads...
A cloud from which rain is falling A cloud of gas or dust Noun ▲ A halo or circle of light “The light from the lamp streamed through her hair, lighting a radiantnimbusaround her head.” Noun ▲ A distinct impression or quality associated with something ...
To state is succinctly,I view a minimalist shoe as one that more closely approximates the barefoot running condition. As such, I view it as a relative term – i.e., one shoe can be more or less minimalist (or minimal?) than another. Yesterday I was teaching my first anatomy lab of ...
Since graduating from the Nimbus School of Recording and Media, Pomo has found fortuitous happenstance a recurring theme in his fledgling career. He didn’t spend countless years slogging it out in a van and playing to empty bars across the country. Instead, while living in Montreal, he sent ...
You can also combine two words to create a unique word. For example, combining Snipe, and God makes a portmanteau “SnipeGod”. The name is a little cringy, but you get the idea. If you enjoyed reading this, be sure to check out: Best Call of Duty Names. Read More 500+ BEST ...
Green Gartside embraces the femininity of his voice, and swathes his lover's discourse ("politics is prior to the vagaries of science" love, love me do) in a nimbus of pop-reggae phasing. The whole thing sways like trees seen across a parking lot on a July day. It's still not ...
Stratus: Low sheets of clouds that form less than a mile above the earth. Like a thick blanket over the Earth, they bring dark, gray days -- and, sometimes, drizzle. Nimbostratus: A very thick, dark layer of clouds that bring rain. (Nimbus is Latin for rain.) Cumulus: These are the...
I remember back in the day preferring Super Mario World, but over the years I've gained more of an appreciation for the NES games, specifically Super Mario Bros. 3. The level design in this game is really fantastic, and it's got an intereting world/atmosphere with plenty of wacky stuff...
: Broom | fas fa-broom | clean, firebolt, fly, halloween, nimbus 2000, quidditch, sweep, witch, | \f51a : Brush | fas fa-brush | art, bristles, color, handle, paint, | \f55d : BTC | fab fa-btc | | \f15a : Buffer | fab fa-buffer | | \f837 : Bug | fas fa-bug | be...
The upsell would be the Nimbus 3000 of office chairs, with grade-A lumbar support, squeak-free technology, unbreakable wheels, and a seat warmer. Ok, maybe not that good, but you get the picture. The cross-sell would be an under-desk mat, which you'll need to keep those fancy ...