A release is the distribution of the final version or the newest version of asoftwareapplication. A software release may be public or private and generally signifies the unveiling of a new or upgraded version of the application. Inagile software development, a release is a deployable software pac...
The vnfConfigurableProperties for the V2 version is updated in the following sections: Determining the DR NOAM XMI Resource IDs Dynamic and Fixed IP Deployment Parameter Description Sample request for Signaling flavor DIAMETER with multiple xsi for dynamic IP in Dual Subnet deployment model ...
NewDownload User data: Allows administrators to retrieve courses completion data for users. UpdateIn-Progress courses: Ensures that courses are moved to an in-progress state when progress data is received from the learning management system. The courses continue to be automatically moved to the in-...
Oracle Reports 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) provides significant enhancements to Oracle Enterprise Manager, including pages to administer and configure Oracle Reports Services through the Oracle Enterprise Manager user interface, rather than by editing configuration files, as summarized in Table 7-1 (a subse...
Learn what is new in this release. For information about the new or changed functions in this release, see Summary of enhancements. For information about the APARs that this release addresses, see the IBM Workload Scheduler Release Notes at IBM Workload Scheduler Release Notes and the Dynamic ...
In earlier releases ofIBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation, you can set timeout values for resource tasks. That is, you can set timeouts for resource operations and lifecycle transitions so that those tasks are abandoned automatically if they do not complete within a specified time. ...
新增功能New-MDIDSACmdlet:使用群組受控服務帳戶 (gMSA) 的預設設定,以及建立標準帳戶的選項,簡化服務帳戶的建立。 自動PDCe 偵測:藉由針對大部分 Active Directory 作業自動將主要域控制器模擬器 (PDCe) 設為目標,改善 群組原則 物件 (GPO) 建立可靠性。
It's great that there is a new release, but ReactJS 16 is a very special release. What's exciting about this new ReactJS release is the fact that it was entirely rewritten from scratch while ensuring that the public API remains unchanged. This major release brings a lot of new features...
A press release is a written document prepared for the media—also called the press—that announces something newsworthy. Learn more.