A. Electrons B. Positrons C. Mesons D. NeutronsWhat are the mass and charge of a proton? Where is it located in an atom?Which subatomic particle has a relative mass of 1839 if the mass of an electron is 1? a. proton b. neutron c. electron...
Neutrons have no charge and protons have a charge of +1 (that is, they are positively charged). Therefore the nucleus of an atom is positively charged. Or, if describing more than one atom, one would say that the nuclei (plural) of the atoms are positively charged. The nucleus is ...
Protons have apositive(+1)charge, which balances the negative (-1) charge of theelectronsthat surround the nuclei of atoms. Protons have arelative massof 1, which is the same as the relative mass of neutrons. Thenumber of protons in an atomis called the 'Atomic Number' of that atom and...
What is the relative mass for protons, neutrons, and electrons? What is the number of protons plus the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom equivalent to? (a) atomic charge (b) atomic number (c) mass number (d) atomic weight. ...
It is now generally accepted that atoms are made up of three particles called neutrons, protons, and electrons. The neutrons and protons are found in the nucleus (center) of the atom and the electrons reside in a shell surrounding the nucleus. Neutrons are heavy particles, but they have no...
There is also such a thing asantimatter, which is not the same as dark matter. Antimatter consists of particles that are essentially the same as visible matter particles but with opposite electrical charges. These particles are called antiprotons and positrons (or antielectrons). When antiparticl...
Number of neutrons in the nucleus of the Sodium ion = 12 The atomic mass of Sodium $=11+12=23$ Hence, 1 mole of Sodium weighs 23 grams.We know,Since the atomic mass of Sodium is 23, we can also write it as 23 g/mol.Therefore, we conclude that...
The cosmos now contained a vast array of fundamental particles such as neutrons, electrons and protons — the raw materials that would become the building blocks for everything that exists today. This early "soup" would have been impossible to actually see because it couldn't hold visible light...
The total number of protons and neutrons added together is called the relative atomic mass. Hydrogen has a relative atomic mass of 1, while helium's relative atomic mass is 4 (because there are two protons and two neutrons inside). In other words, an atom of helium is four times heavier...
atomic particles--specifically electrons and protons--comes in handy. Electrons always carry a negative charge, while protons are always positively charged. Neutrons (true to their name) are neutral, they have no charge. Both electrons and protons carry the sameamountof charge, just a different ...