Although there is a need for improved evaluations, there is accumulating evidence (reviewed by Milder and Newsom, 2015, Steering Committee of the State of Knowledge Assessment of Standards and Certification, 2012, Tscharntke et al., 2015) that certification can contribute to both conservation and...
Weight refers to the weight of fabric per unit area, which is called the weight of square meters. Generally, the weight of square meters is an assessment item for its grey cloth. However, it is often used as the main basis for the valuation of finished products when the transaction is co...
PA governance is not a new concept, but more attention has been given to it only recently—the World Park Congress in Durban 2003 brought it into focus for the first time [12]. There is a variety of research approaches to governance analysis and evaluation [4,36]. However, systematic know...
According to the Third National Assessment Report on Climate Change11, annual average air temperature in China has increased by 0.9–1.5 °C during the past 100 years and will increase by 1.3–5 °C by the end of this century, which is larger than the average global temperature rise....
While GEDI does not resample points, it does have orbital crossovers that resample regions through time and, as such, there is the potential to look at the change in response to fire at the stand level. This application tests the potential for the stand-level assessment with a space-for-tim...
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