Charlie is essentially a pitbull head on a beagle body (or so I’m told, I haven’t met him personally). It’s not perfect by any means, and I didn’t have the courage to do a real background yet, but it looks like him. I’m going to call it a win. 5×7″ watercolour and...
A nekomimi - a human woman whose ancestry included nekojin, as evidenced by the feline ears atop her head and the cat's tail playfully swishing behind her. "Is this seat taken?" she asked, ignoring Nyktan's silence. "Oh, no, go ahead," he blurted, still a little titty-struck. He...
Rachel Watts: OneShot is a dark and atmospheric puzzle adventure that I feel has been overlooked. I think because of its pixel art graphics, cute cat protagonist, and fourth-wall-breaking moments, it got a bit lost in the Undertale tidal wave. It's like one of Steam's secret games that...
Damn, they're cute. Not the girl—her ears. She is a catgirl—a female with cat ears. To underscore their feline traits, some have cat teeth,and even cat eyes. In Japan, the cat ears are called "nekomimi", and they're more than a simple personification o