Definitions include: a penis. Alabama mudflap Definitions include: amullet. LA Definitions include: acronym for "lower Alabama". Other terms relating to 'hot': blow hot and cold Definitions include: to vacillate in opinion Centaur hot Definitions include: This term describes one who is very attra...
The characters of Skids and Mudflap are the most egregious example of this; their characterization is basically a collection of racist stereotypes. 7 The Action Scenes Are Ruined By Choppy Editing And Changing Aspect Ratios There’s a lot of promise in Transformers’ action sequences. Giant robo...
Alabama mudflap Definitions include: amullet. mullet Definitions include: a hair style that is short in the front and on the top, and long in the back. aviation blonde Definitions include: a girl who has dyed her hair blonde. ghetto booty brush ...