A friend from Merritt, Br. Columbia, now visiting Singapore, went by my Moongate sculpture at Gardens by the Bay and sent me this photo. Nice to see that the sculpture is still looking good. If you haven’t seen it and would like to, this bronze Moongate marks the spot where the SG...
mgMoongate(online game, now Materia Magica) mgMedal for Gallantry(Australian Defence Force) mgMenin Gate mgMiles Gloriosus(gaming clan) mgMinority Game(financial markets model) mgMaxwell-Garnett(formula) mgMiddle Gimbal(astronomy) mgMarine Gunner ...
mgMoongate(online game, now Materia Magica) mgMedal for Gallantry(Australian Defence Force) mgMenin Gate mgMiles Gloriosus(gaming clan) mgMinority Game(financial markets model) mgMaxwell-Garnett(formula) mgMiddle Gimbal(astronomy) mgMarine Gunner ...
Man, what is it? This is the ad I’ve seen all over as we weretraveling in Dongzhibetweenthe tombs. It must have cost a fortune?More randoms shots.
mgMoongate(online game, now Materia Magica) mgMedal for Gallantry(Australian Defence Force) mgMenin Gate mgMiles Gloriosus(gaming clan) mgMinority Game(financial markets model) mgMaxwell-Garnett(formula) mgMiddle Gimbal(astronomy) mgMarine Gunner ...
mgMoongate(online game, now Materia Magica) mgMedal for Gallantry(Australian Defence Force) mgMenin Gate mgMiles Gloriosus(gaming clan) mgMinority Game(financial markets model) mgMaxwell-Garnett(formula) mgMiddle Gimbal(astronomy) mgMarine Gunner ...
mgMoongate(online game, now Materia Magica) mgMedal for Gallantry(Australian Defence Force) mgMenin Gate mgMiles Gloriosus(gaming clan) mgMinority Game(financial markets model) mgMaxwell-Garnett(formula) mgMiddle Gimbal(astronomy) mgMarine Gunner ...
Securing funding from RBS Business Banking, Mr Whitehead has created two state-of-the-art 18-hole mini-golf courses, one which is fully accessible to wheelchair users, in a former night club at Star City. Mini-golf first will be Star family attraction; ENTERPRISE Sadly the best of Beal's...