The fact that mineral rights can be privately owned in the United States means that homeowners with rights to valuable resources on their property can sell those mineral rights to private corporations, sometimes generating substantial up-front or ongoing royalty payments by doing so. A common example...
Hauling water was unpleasant labor, and so cleaning yourself with a bidet was largely an indulgence for the upper classes, aristocracy, and royalty. By the 1700s some bidets had a water-pump handle to deliver an fountain-like spray from a refillable tank. And, the bidet was part of every...
The payment received by an owner of real property for exploitation of mineral rights in the property. Royalty (by extension) Payment made to a writer, composer, inventor etc for the sale or use of intellectual property, invention etc. Royalty (figuratively) Someone in a privileged position. Roy...
A land use agreement might include a reservation of mineral rights, which means that the owner of the property retains the rights to any valuable resources found beneath the surface, even if someone else is using the land for other purposes. ...
FMRFederal Mineral Royalty FMRFunctional Management Review FMRFriend, Moloney and Rauscher(viruses) FMRFleet Material Readiness FMRFunds Management Record FMRForce Mix Ratio FMRFire Master Record(insurance) FMRField Modification Report FMRField and Mobile Robotics ...
Kenny DuBose is a petroleum engineer and registered investment advisor. He is past president of Cheyenne Minerals, an independent oil and gas company in Houston TX, and now heads The Oil and Gas Mineral Services Company. He can be reached at 713.240.9275, or kennydubose@mineralweb.comMore...
Under UNCLOS, the ISA is charged with the control of activities pertaining to the seabed and ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction (the Area), including the development of seabed mineral resources “for the benefit of [hu]mankind as a whole”,5 while ensuring “the effective ...
Indeed, the local Africans deemed the grain exotic, and so, in few locations they retained it particularly for chiefs, royalty, and so, special occasions. Acha is also formed part of the established bride price. Acha fonio has been around for over five thousand years, and is rich in fibres...
Royalty interest applies to mineral rights agreements. A royalty interest entitles the mineral rights owner to receive a portion of the minerals produced or thegross revenuefrom sold production. The Bottom Line Royalties help creators, innovators, intellectual property owners, or landowners earn money f...
The fact that mineral rights can be privately owned in the United States means that homeowners with rights to valuable resources on their property can sell those mineral rights to private corporations, sometimes generating substantial up-front or ongoingroyalty paymentsby doing so. A common example o...