midlife crisis. This is a psychological crisis that occurs when men or women get older, usually around 40, 50, 60. It’s different for different people. And not everybody goes through a midlife crisis. It’s not a disease, but you can consider it aphenomenon. And it can be pretty ...
The concept of a midlife crisis is a well known one perpetuated by books and films, And recently the idea of a quarter-life crisis, between 20 and 30, has also gained a fair amount of media coverage. But there's a surprising lack of robust research on these events, and almost none ...
“Ithink this is why many people go through amidlife' crisis. They realise that things don'tmake you happy and begin to search for moremeaning in their life. By this life stage, it's also not uncommonfor us to have experienced loss or a seriousillness. “By the time middle age rolls...
第一步,找定位词:midlife crisis 第二步,段落定位。题目问及“作者对“中年危机”这个短语有什么看法”,根据定位词,定位至第一段:“The phrase almost completes itself: midlife crisis.It’s…”但该段体现不出作者的态度,需要继续往下浏览,定位至第二段。 第三步,对比选项和文章。D选项是对第二段中“It ...
解析 C 第一步,找定位词:midlife crisis第二步,在材料中找到定位词对应的内容,发现定位词midlife crisis在第①句原词复现,且对应第②句的It,题目问及作者对“中年危机”这个短语有什么看法,但这两句并未体现作者的态度,故往下浏览,判断答案出于材料第③句,因此本题答案选C。
Are midlife changes always crises? If you're going through what Hanson refers to as an "existential change," then in a word, yes. "It's a specific period of transition that comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities," she explains. "A midlife crisis is a period of extreme...
(We are more than our jobs, and education is more than a major.)教育也不仅仅是上大学,甚至也不仅是从幼儿园到研究生院的正规学校教育。我说的“你要做什么”的意思是你要过什么样的生活(what kind of life are you going to lead?)?我所说的“那”指的是你得到的正规或非正规的任何训练,那些把...
A. Nowadays people in a midlife crisis prefer buying a guitar than a Ferrari. B. The middle-aged female also likes buying guitars to beat midlife crisis. C. Buying a guitar is popular because it is a way to get an investment return. D. Middle-aged people consider the old things as ow...
That is what you call a quarter-life crisis. And I’d like to help you avoid it. To that end, I bring you three pieces of advice. One: Get out of town. Feeling trapped? One of the best ways to set yourself free is to move –...
A.A) It may be the beginning of a crisis.B.B) It can be a new phase of one’s life.C.C) It can be terrifying for the unprepared.D.D)It may see old-age diseases approaching.(3) (单选题)How is midlife pictured in the book...