What is a microorganism, and a pathogen? Give an example of one pathogen. What evidence supports the statement "Not all microbes cause disease; many play important roles in the environment." What are some examples of ecological ...
What is a microorganism, and a pathogen? Give an example of one pathogen. Describe how a viral infection can cause cancer? What type of pathogen caused the Black Death, and how is it transmitted to humans? Which type of infection leads to an increase in the number of immune cells, ma...
What is a microorganism, and a pathogen? Give an example of one pathogen. What is the purpose of the cell inhibiting translation when infected with a virus? How is this inhibition accomplished? Provide examples of viruses providing a way t...
Hi Donna, Faced with this situation of not achieving pregnancy after a time of unprotected sex (6 months if the woman is older than 35 years and a year if the woman is younger than 35) it is recommended to go to a fertility clinic. ...
This rapid increase in trade volume is partly due to a growing global population with increased purchasing power and a corresponding increased demand for goods. One consequence of these phenomena is a global increase in plant, animal, and microorganism movements associated with trade commodities that ...
An organism refers to any individual living being, be it an animal, plant, fungus, or microorganism. It is a single, autonomous unit of life. A species, on the other hand, is a classification of these living beings based on shared characteristics and genetic makeup. It encapsulates a group...
What is Miso Paste Miso paste is a fermented soybean paste that's a pantry staple of Japanese cuisine. It's typically made from soybeans, koji, and salt. Koji or Aspergillus Oryzae is a filamentous fungus propagated on grains such as rice or barley and is the microorganism that breaks down...
Since the brain sends signals to every organ in the body via the ANS, a distortion of the signaling mechanism can make it appear that the organ receiving the signal is at fault. For example, the heart may accelerate because of a signal from the brain, not because the heart itself is at...
What is biodegradale and non-biodegradable plastic? View Solution What are biodegradable polymers and non-biodegradable polymers ? Write one example of each. View Solution Write a note on Gabriel phthalimide synthesis. What are biodegradable polymers and non-bio-degradable polymers ? Write one example...
The agents which are known to cause CJD are ___. (a) a class of bacteria (b) a class of viruses (c) fungi (d) protein particles. What is a microorganism, and a pathogen? Give an example of one pathogen. What are the six chemical agents of bacteria...