If we didn't possess certain beliefs about such things as time, appearance and reality, and how effect follows cause, we wouldn't be able to get out of bed in the morning, let alone read a book about metaphysics, which is the study of our experience and those ideas, or presuppositions...
虚拟的形而上学 文章the metaphysics of virtual reality by michael heim - the metaphysics of virtual reality is provocative and fun 热度: 亚里士多德的形而上学 Aristotle's Metaphysics 热度: Leibniz - Discourse on Metaphysics 形而上学讨论 莱布尼兹 热度: 相关推荐 什么是形而上学(WhatisMetaphysics)...
(usually by the river, without wet shoes.) Metaphysical review What is Metaphysics? People love the style of Aristotle, I think he is conscious of the few to express to clear, dont kick up a cloud of dust philosopher. More importantly, Aristotle on some issues to do arguments, even to ...
science is exceptional in that, in a way peculiar to it, it gives the matter itself explicitly and solely the first and last word. In such im partiality of inquiring, determining, and grounding, a peculiarly delineated submission to beings themselves obtains, in order that ...
Before there was a defined academic discipline called philosophy in the ancient world, people wondered about how and why the world and everything in it came to be as we find it. In the modern world, there is a defined branch of philosophy called metaphysics dealing with the nature of ...
What is metaphysics?Heidegger, MartinHeidegger, Martin
What is metaphysics? Philosophy: Philosophy is the study dedicated to the general thinking of important problems , like existence, problems, values, thinking, reason, and mind. Philosophy uses certain methods to reach the truth, like constant questioning of simple and complex matters, critical thinki...
What is First? Metaphysics as Prima Philosophia and Ultima Scientia in the Works of Thomas Aquinas The article analyzes the status of metaphysics in relation to other sciences, especially the sense and reasons behind its priority in the system of science... J Kielbasa - 《Philosophia》 被引量:...
Heidegger examined the conscious activity of existence, or Dasein, as a contradictory being that, by engaging with the phenomenological world, alters both in the process being-unto-the-world and being-unto-death.Answer and Explanation: Heidegger's 'What is Metaphysics?' is an examination of the...
Kit Fine on What is Metaphysics? Metaphysics is the philosophical study of reality. But what does that mean? PhilosopherKit Fineexplains what metaphysics is and what it can tell us in conversation with Nigel Warburton in this episode of thePhilosophy Bitespodcast. ...