What Is Messianic Judaism? Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Image Plus/Javier_Art_Photography Alyssa Roat studied writing, theology, and the Bible at Taylor University. She has worked as a literary agent at C.Y.L.E., the publicity manager at Mountain Brook Ink, and as a freelance editor wit...
It has been thoroughly proven that Isaiah 9:6 is aMessianic Prophecyreferring to Jesus Christ. Notice how Isaiah 43:12 clearly shows that God (YHWH) refers to himself as God (‘El)—the exact same term (‘El) used to refer to Jesus. There arenumerousother examples, but we will not be...
An Ethiopian eunuchis unnamed butActs 8:26-39says he was “an important official in charge of all the treasury” of the Queen of Ethiopia. The eunuch was traveling back home from worshipping in Jerusalem. He was reading from the book of Isaiah but didn’t understand the messianic prophecy...
It is, however, a very common and popular phrase in church doctrinal statements today. Many churches will say like this one does: We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, that it is fully inspired in the original manuscripts. Or this one: The Bible is the Word of God, the sixty-...
“Bible” and all that it implies and invokes. For instance, the question ‘what is the Bible?’ already presupposes the existence of the Bible. But the Bible itself is composed of texts that were all created and written before there ever was a Bible. So what is our question really ...
The Messianic Hope: Is the Hebrew Bible Really Messianic? In The Messianic Hope , book six of the New American Commentary Studies in Bible & Theology series, Jewish Studies professor Michael Rydelnik puts forth a thesis that the Old Testament was intended by its authors to be read as a mess...
).” This sentence blends phrases from three biblical texts to show that Jesus is the messianic servant King who is the seed of Abraham. Narrative Parallels: Matthew presents Jesus as a greater-than-Moses figure by designing his story to match the basic outline of Moses’ career. Moses and ...
All three of these "Son" titles are Messianic. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, making him the Son of God. He was born of a human mother, making him the Son of Man. He is the promised son born to the House of David, making him the promised Son of David. Christians believe...
The Messianic Era and the World to Come How long will this world last? What do we mean by the resurrection, and when will it take place? What is the World to Come, and what will it be like? What will the Messianic Era be like, and when will it happen?
The mezuzah is a well-recognized, visible sign of a Jewish home or business that has contained a powerful message for thousands of years.