A mental health specialist can help! Mental health specialists provide treatment to patients who suffer from an array of mental health disorders including anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, phobias and various other conditions. They are responsible for managing the treatment of patients in both residenti...
The doctor may refer you to a mental health specialist.TreatmentsSocial phobia is generally treated with psychotherapy, medication, or both.Psychoth 12、erapy.A type of psychotherapy called Cognitive behavior therapy (cbt) is especially useful for treating social phobia. It teaches a person different...
A therapist is a mental health professional w-ho has a master's degree. Their studies might be in psychology, family therapy, or counseling. Therapists usetalk therapyand other methods to help people. And while a psychiatrist can prescribe medication, a therapist can't. What Does a Psychiatris...
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about mental health and mental illness.
Megan Hull is a content specialist who edits, writes and ideates content to help people find recovery.Read more Medical Disclaimer The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature ...
A psychiatrist is a mental health professional that is trained to explore the links between physical and mental health so they can create the best treatment plan for their patients’ needs. They can prescribe medication, which is a significant difference between them and therapists. What do psychia...
Sometimes a kid may come in with a physical complaint, and only after a few visits is the mental suffering brought out into the open. When that happens, Alcove can make a “warm handoff” to a mental health specialist onsite. Success, say Adelsheim and Cox, would mean the establishment ...
A retina specialist is an ophthalmologist trained to deal with conditions involving the inside and back of the eye, like macular...
mental health servicesviewsservice usersstafffamily carersEMERGENCY PSYCHIATRIC-SERVICESQUALITY-OF-LIFESELF-DETERMINATION THEORYIntroduction This research investigated the views of different stakeholders regarding the specialist mental health service for people with intellectual disabilities (ID) in Singapore. ...
Children and young people with care-experience (e.g. foster, kinship and residential care) report poorer mental health and wellbeing than the general population. Despite an emerging evidence-base for intervention, it is not clear if current approaches create, exacerbate or mitigate outcome inequities...