What is Medical Ultrasound Gel/Ultrasonic Gel/ECG Gel/Aquasonic Ultrasound Gel, Onsite Product Video manufacturers & suppliers on Video Channel of Made-in-China.com.
An intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is a cardiovascular medical imaging test. The test is most often done to examine the coronary arteries. Coronary, or heart, arteries are blood vessels which supply blood to the heart. This type of test is useful in detecting illnesses like coronary artery ...
Have You Wondered What Is The Difference Between UltraSound And SonoGram Is? Or Always Thought Sonogram Is a Different Procedure? Check this Out!
An ultrasound is a procedure that uses high frequency sound waves, called ultrasonic waves, to produce images of internal organs and the interior of the body. This form of imaging works largely in the same way as sonar. These images are often used in obstetrics but have non-obstetric uses ...
Ultrasound is the most commonly used medical imaging technology in pregnancy to view the unborn fetus and determine the health of the pregnancy. Ultrasound is extremely helpful in the first (0-14 weeks), second (14-28 weeks), and third (> 28 weeks) trimesters. Most women have at least ...
A medical procedure is a set of actions undertaken to help a person with a medical condition. Common types of medical procedures...
The word “ultrasound” always makes me think of babies. I think that is because every pregnant woman has one at some point, whether to determine the gender of the baby or to see how it is developing. My sister had an ultrasound so that she could know whether she was having a boy or...
Fetal ultrasound is, indeed, routine, and most women will have at least one or two, but it's worth noting that they are not required. ACOG (American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) does not specifically recommend them unless there is a specific diagnostic reason. (For instance, ...
Medical test results can be hard to understand. If anultrasoundfinds a hypoechoic mass, you may have wondered what that means. A hypoechoic mass looks dark gray on an ultrasound. That means the tissue is dense. It doesn’t always mean that something is wrong. ...
The purpose of performing an obstetric ultrasound is to provide a safe, non-invasive, and accurate method to clinically evaluate the pregnant uterus and fetus, right from the confirmation of a viable (alive) pregnancy to throughout the woman’s pregnancy