A merchant category code (MCC) is a four-digit classification code used to describe a merchant’s business type, transaction type, or business name. For example, MCC 0742 is used for any merchant providing veterinary services. Other MCCs are used by a single business, such as 3000 for Unite...
A merchant category code (MCC) is a 4 digit number used to classify businesses by the type of goods and services they offer. The MCC is the main
A 16-digit IMSI consists of three elements:Mobile Country Code (MCC) The MCC defines the country a subscriber primarily operates within. It is always either two or three digits. Mobile Network Code (MNC) The MNC identifies the specific MNO a subscriber is associated with. It is between one...
It is the loan given by a lender to a borrower which is secured by the collateral of specified real estate property under a mutual agreement to pay predetermined periodic installments comprising of principal and interest components by the borrower....
With the upsurge of the mobile cloud and the power of mobile computing, businesses are wondering about opportunities. Read an introduction to MCC!
If you're setting up a new one, tap 'Add' or the '+' symbol to create a new APN profile. 5. Enter APN Details: Input the necessary APN settings provided by your new carrier. This information typically includes the name, APN, username, password, MMSC, MMS proxy, MMS port, MCC, ...
If you're setting up a new one, tap 'Add' or the '+' symbol to create a new APN profile. 5. Enter APN Details: Input the necessary APN settings provided by your new carrier. This information typically includes the name, APN, username, password, MMSC, MMS proxy, MMS port, MCC, ...
What is an IMSI? An IMSI forms part of a device’s SIM profile and comprises 14-15 digits. The first 2-3 digits are the mobile country code (MCC) and the following 2-3 digits are the mobile network code (MNC). After this, there’s a unique combination of 9 or 10 digits to iden...
rcomnet.mnc015.mcc 405.gprs: Similar to the previous example, but for a different operator. internet: A generic APN that does not contain an operator identifier. NXTGENPHONE: Does not include an operator, but is known to be AT&T Mobility’s LTE APN. ...
KAEJKane is Able KHNNKuehne + Nagel KNIGKnight Transportation LDYNLogistic Dynamics, Inc. LDYQLDI Trucking, Inc. MAEUMaersk Line MCPUMCC Transport Singapore Pte Ltd. MFGTMainfreight Inc. MEDUMediterranean Shipping Company S.A. MGMCMGM Transport ...