3)ox /ɑːks/ n.(阉割的)公牛;去势公牛【a bull (= a male cow) that has been castrated (= had part of its sex organs removed), used, especially in the past, for pulling farm equipment, etc.】 random /ˈrændəm/ adj.任意的,随机的,胡...
A ram. Ram A projection on the prow of a warship, used to batter or cut into enemy vessels. Tup Uncastrated adult male sheep; A British term is `tup' Ram A ship having such a projection. Ram Ram See Aries. Ram To strike or drive against with a heavy impact; butt Rammed the door...
The word is also applied, as a general name, to any species of bovine animals, male and female. All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field. Yak To talk persistently and meaninglessly; chatter. Ox An adult castrated bull of the genus Bos; especially Bos taurus Yak An ox-...
(slang) A man regarded as virile and sexually active. noun. 15. 4. The definition of a stallion is a male horse that has not been castrated, or is slang for
I want to show another animal as well. My local county fair has 2 categories for goats: Breed goats (dairy goats) and meat goats. I was thinking about doing a meat goat because I have to get a male goat, and in the meat goat category the male goats have to be wethers (castrated)...
The woman, who transported her 16 year old son to Thailand to have him castrated, Susie Soylent Green took to the TV air yesterday to further vilify Caroline, this is where Dreher came in. Susie Green, a well-known public nuisance, has a son who presents as a female. More from ...
And herein lies the rub; it’s likely that fifty percent of the eggs hatched will be male chickens. Sure, the farmer keeps a few of the best for breeding purposes, but the rest are fattened and sold, helping to make the farm become a little more sustainable. The farmer has had to ...
Calcitonin is a hormone that is secreted by the thyroid gland. It controls the plasma levels of calcium and phosphorus. It is secreted in response...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an ...
hardly believe I cannot pick up the phone or drive out and speak to her. It is kind like a “Nightmare” that will pass in time. I love the Family I was born into but we definitely took a big hit this year. She promised to haunt me in My dreams, and yes, she has come through...
The ritual of circumcision has nothing to do with the male organ as we will see, and Baptism has nothing to do with water. It is all symbolic. THE VEIL THAT BLOCKS THE UNDERSTANDING OF RELIGIOUS PEOPLE IS SYMBOLIC WRITINGS IN SCRIPTURE ...