whenever men are really serious about getting what, in the language of trade, is called “a good article,” when they aim at something precise, something refined, something really luminous, something really large, something choice
Measurementrefers to the comparison of an unknown quantity with a known quantity. The result of a measurement is a numeric value with certain units. We can measure the length, mass, capacity (volume), and temperature of any given object. Let us learn more about themeasurement chart, measuremen...
Learn about luminous sources, which are objects that emit light, and the property of luminosity. Discover the units used to measure luminosity,...
Non-luminous objects are visible when they reflect light from another source. We are able to see the Moon because it reflects light from the Sun.Moon is a non-luminous object. It does not have its own energy source to give off light. The brightness of an object is directly proportional t...
ASTM D1003-13 —Standard Test Method for Haze and Luminous Transmittance of Transparent Plastics This is a commonly used standard of the American Society for Testing and Materials. It is widely used in the plastics industry to measure the haze and transmittance of transparent plastics. It is one...
The work of the musician and artist Robert Blatt is rooted in explorations of expanded sonic situations through varying frames and gradations of environment, notation, object, performance, text, and tone – a practice between the borders of experimental music, visual arts; between installations and...
What is Lumen (and Candela) Lumenis a measure of how much light isemitted(luminance, luminous flux) by an object. Lumen is commonly used in the context of light bulbs or video-projectors as a metric for their brightness power. The luminance is also expressed inCandela per square-meter, or...
He further speculated that light forms when a luminous body causes a series of waves or vibrations in this ether. Those waves then advance forward until they encounter an object. If that object is an eye, the waves stimulate vision. This stood as one of the earliest, and most eloquent, ...
“a nebula is a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter.” Many nebulae are visible due to fluorescence caused by embedded hot stars. Other nebulae are so dispersed they can ...
The high working temperature (2200-2500℃) guarantees high luminous efficiency, and the small evaporation speed guarantees the long life of the filament. Tungsten wire is used to manufacture direct heating cathodes and grids of electronic oscillation tubes, cathodes of high-voltage rectifiers and ...