What is a logical fallacy? A logical fallacy is an argument that can be disproven through reasoning. This is different from a subjective argument or one that can be disproven with facts; for a position to be a logical fallacy, it must be logically flawed or deceptive in some way. Compa...
"You oppose a senator's proposal to extend government-funded health care to poor minority children because that senator is a liberal Democrat. This is a common logical fallacy known asad hominem, which is Latin for 'against the man.' Instead of dealing with the argument you preempt any discus...
Common Fallacies: Tu Quoque “you too” Fallacy committed when it is concluded that a person's claim is false because: it is inconsistent with something else a person has said, or what a person says is inconsistent with her actions. Example: Peter: “Based on the arguments I have presented...
A hasty generalization fallacy is a logical mistake made when someone assumes something about a large group based on a very small...
Logically, none of these can be true. Your outfit on game day has no bearing on your team’s success, and fender benders happen all the time, regardless of a stop for coffee. The fallacy here lies in assuming the relationship between an event and its supposed cause. ...
Doingtherightthingisnottheproblem.Knowingwhattherightthingis,that’sthechallenge.—LyndonB.Johnson(36thUSpresident)Itisonethingtobecleverandanothertobewise.—GeorgeR.R.Martin(Americanauthor)41UNITLifeandLogic SectionALoveandlogic:Thestoryofafallacy Objectives TotalkaboutloveandlogicTofurtherunderstandthetextTo...
When an argument breaks down Logical Fallacies. What is a fallacy? Fallacies are common errors in reasoning that will undermine the logic of your argument. When an argument breaks down Logical Fallacies
Another example of a logical fallacy is the loaded question fallacy, which occurs when someone asks a question in a way that presupposes an unverified assumption that the person being questioned is likely to disagree with. An example of a loaded question is the following: “Can you get this ...
What is a logical fallacy? Logical fallaciesare common errors in reasoning that render an argument logically invalid. Fallacies can be either illegitimate arguments or irrelevant points, and they can be identified because they lack evidence that supports their claim. Although they are not logically so...
The problem in the genetic fallacy is that it fails to engage with the essence of the argument by shifting the focus on something irrelevant (i.e., the origin of the argument). An argument should be evaluated on its quality—for example, whether the premises are true and logically connected...