The brain is responsible for regulating the functions of the body, from the unconscious (controlling blood pressure,heartrate, and respiratory rate) to the conscious acts likewalkingand talking. Add the intellectual processes of thought, and the brain is a busy part of the human body. The brain...
As emerges from these studies, distinguishing AE and HSE is often a challenging task, even though fever, neuropsychiatric manifestations, lesion site, and lesion signal features may point towards one or the other. In general, if HSE is suspected based on one or more characteristics, anti-viral ...
Gainotti, G (2000) What the locus of brain lesion tells us about the nature of the cognitive defect underlying category-specific disorders: A review. Cortex 36: pp. 539-559Gainotti, G. (2000). What the locus of brain lesion tells us about the nature of the cognitive defect underlying ...
The hypothesis that intelligence is an adaptation to deal with the complexity of living in semi-permanent groups of conspecifics, a situation that involves the potentially tricky balance of competition and cooperation with the same individuals, has been influential in recent theorizing about human mental...
Many neurological diseases cause lesions (a lesion is an area of abnormality in the brain or spinal cord), which can be analysed in detail. Important factors in the analysis of abnormalities are location, size, number of lesions, content characteristics (fat, water, and blood products), ...
When training a CNN, a loss function is used to measure the error between the predicted and actual output. Common loss functions include mean squared error for regression tasks and categorical cross-entropy for multi-class classification tasks. The backpropagation algorithm is then utilized to update...
Multiple sclerosis: a serial study using MRI in relapsing patients. Neurology. 1988;381511- 1515Google ScholarCrossref 50. Koopmans RALi DKBOger JJFMayo JPaty DW The lesion of multiple sclerosis: imaging of acute and chronic stages. Neurology. 1989;39959- 963Google ScholarCrossref 51. Paty...
We also present two conditions for the existence of a graphical representation of the above class of trees. Then we consider an entropy function which is defined on the paths in the trees and give an algorithm to construct minimum-path-entropy tree structures.关键词:...
What does a large frontal lobe mean? What are some functions of the frontal lobe? What is an occipital lobe lesion? What does the left frontal lobe control? What brain lobe is the Wernicke's area in? What does the occipital brain lobe interpret? What parts of the brain are near the oc...
A lesion is any damaged or abnormal area of tissue in the body. Since they happen in so many different places and types of tissue, they have many different causes and means of diagnosis and treatment. Most lesions are broadly categorized by where they appear in the body — for example, ...