A Perc Test (also known as “Perk Test,” more formally known as aPercolation Test) is a soil evaluation that teststhe rate at which water drains through the soil. The results of this test will provide crucial information needed to design and install a septic system, which is relevant for...
can become filled with sludge and scum, becoming totally impacted. Well before this condition is detected, such systems have sent solids into the leach field, shortening its life. See These pages are part of ourSEPTIC DYE TEST PROCEDUREfor testing septic system function. ...
Septic backups, failures, breakouts, odors: This document provides advice for home buyers who are buying a home with a private septic system: homes using a septic tank and drainfield or similar soil absorption system. Here we describe what goes wrong with septic systems and their various compon...
be a party to be affected by do concern oneself in be a participant in “This is a highly sensitive matter that I would prefer not to touch for now.” Verb ▲ (usually in the negative) To handle, especially in order to interfere with, alter, or otherwise affect handle hold move di...
A worse way to go about it would be to lay the flagstone upon a bed of gravel and then cement the joints between stones. Horrible idea. The gravel base is flexible and will move ever so slightly during freeze-thaw. Well, if the base was done poorly the movement might be more then ...
What items and chemicals are safe and what items are not safe to flush down the toilet and into a private septic system? What may damage the septic tank or leach fields? This document explains how to extend the life of the septic system by being careful about what goes into it. We prov...
I had a riser installed in 2003 to have easier access to the tank lid. This year, as well as last year, the water level was up into the riser and almost to the lid. My septic service said my leach bed quit working like it is suppose to and offered to have it repaired for around...